MAVWASO obtains bulk of its water supply from Nairobi city water company,the supply fron Nairobi is about 90,000m3 of water per month.However due to to a decrease in water levels at Ndakaini Dam which result in water rationing fron Nairobi water the supply to MAVWASCO at times falls below the expected volumes.Tussles over the Nairobi-Athiriver Water line ownership and encroachment by EPZA into our area of water supply jurisdiction by establishing a parallel and competing water supply network has also posed a challenge.MAVWASCO through Tanathi water service board and the government of Kenya has secured financing in the year 2017/2018 to construct a dedicated water line for supply of fresh water from Nairobi to Athiriver. This will be done through the MAVOKO WATER SUPPLY PROJECT which is at the implementation stage.
MAVWASCO through financing from the ministry of housing rehabilitated the dam, constructed a water treatment plant and installed a water mains. the supply from the dam is approximately 48,000 m3 of water per month.The government of Machakos county in the year 2017 also partnered with MAVWASCO to disilt the dam to increase its holding capacity.The water services trust fund (WSTF)has financed the construction of water storage tanks for the abstracted water at our water distribution point in Embakasi.the MAVOKO WATER PROJECT financing will also see the dam expanded and a new treatment plant constructed to increase the volumes abstracted.
MAVWASCO abstracts about 7,000m3 of water monthly from 7 boreholes it has drilled and equiped.This supply supplements the fresh water piped supply. the county government of Machakos has also drilled several boreholes to ease the water shortage in mavoko sub-county.
For informal settlements and supply of water to pro-poor areas MAVWASCO through WSTF partnership has constructed water kiosks which are run by registered self help groups within the areas they are located