Pro-Poor Services

The Constitution of Kenya 2010 Article 43 grants every Kenyan the right to clean and safe water in adequate quantities and to reasonable standards of sanitation. It further emphasizes the need for pro-poor interventions and policies in the water sector aimed at, among others to: a) Protect and promote the interests and rights of minorities and marginalized communities; b) Promote social and economic development and the provision of proximate, easily accessible services throughout Kenya; and c) Ensure equitable sharing of national and local resources throughout Kenya The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiative calls for provision of ‘basic’ and ‘safely Managed’ services. Basic services are to those consumers with their access point outside their premises e.g. water kiosks. On the other hand, safely managed services refers to the individually connected consumers or/and those connected to a shared water point in an enclosed plot or apartment. The SDGs clearly call for the sector to focus on providing basic services through water kiosks to the underserved. 

Increasing service provision in Low Income Areas (LIAs) from 60% to 80% is one of the key strategic result areas for MAVWASCO in the strategic plan 2024-2028. This will be achieved through:-

  • Increasing water connectivity, water kiosks and yard taps
  • Increasing sewer connectivity and non-sewered sanitations options.
  • Enhancing Governance of Pro-poor interventions.
  • Ensuring equity in service provision.



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582-00204, Athiriver
Opposite Athiriver Railway Station

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